
Do you want to run for school board?

Candidates for the upcoming 2019 Consolidated Election can begin circulating petitions on September 18, 2018.

Three seats are up in the Heritage School District,  four seats in the Prairieview Ogden SD 197  district, four seats in the St Joseph Ogden High School 305 district and three seats in the St Joseph Grade School District 169  district.

Currently, Robert Fitzgerald, Kimberly Keniley-Ashbrook and Darrin Tate hold seats in Heritage. Chad  Barnes, Chad Goldenstein, Chad Pruitt and Kyle Rademacher hold seats in the Prairiview Ogden SD 197 District.  Kathy McCormick , David McDermott, Carla  Reese , Kevin Taylor hold seats in the St Joseph Ogden High School 305 District.  And Lois Hewerdine, Jeffrey Hoveln and Amy Smith hold seats in  St Joseph Grade School District 169. 

Candidates need to file a new SEI on paper, even if an SEI was previously filed, prior to the close of the petition filing period. If a new SEI is not filed, petitions may be subject to objection. The last day to file an SEI is December 17, 2018.

Candidates may file the completed paper SEI when filing petitions. Candidates file completed Statement of Candidacy, Petitions, Loyalty Oath (Optional), and Statement of Economic Interests with the Champaign County Clerk’s office, December 10-17, 2018.

The 2019 Consolidated Election will be held on April 2.

Candidates elected will serve four-year terms expiring in 2023.

Forms and instructions for potential school board candidates may also be picked up at the Champaign County Clerk’s Office or downloaded at champaigncountyclerk.com.

Click here for a Candidates Guide.


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