Joe Bear was surprised when he was named Homer Citizen of the Year during the Krazee Daze festival.
“I don’t do any of this for recognition,” Bear said. “I’m retired and I stay busy.”
The Homer Community Improvement Association unanimously chose Bear to the the Citizen of the Year.
Bear could have easily won the award for just one of his volunteer jobs.
He volunteers his time at the Homer Opera House and has assisted in the many upgrades to the building.
He volunteered to spearhead the new playground project at village hall. Bear was given a budget by the village, did the research for the different types of playground equipment and then held a meeting with young parents who told him what they would like to see at the park. He then purchased the equipment and is working to complete the installation of the equipment. Bear said he hopes to have it done within the next few weeks.
Bear said the project is much more involved than people realize and includes a lot of planning and prep work.
“It’s a big job,’ he admitted. “My real enjoyment will be when the playground is done and I can see them playing on it. I just want the kids to enjoy things.”
On the Fourth of July Bear and Dave Ellis lined the streets with small American flags.
Bear mows for hours at village hall, weed eating and hauling equipment for the village.
Bear also helps maintain the village baseball fields.
“I’ve lived here all my life,” Bear said. “There’s not as much for people to do as there used to be and I just want to see there be stuff for the kids. I want to improve the town.”
Over the years he has volunteered his time with the Homer Cub Scouts.
“I just felt like I didn’t need any recognition for what I have done,” he said. “I just do it to give back.”
On Sundays Bear can be found at the Sidney Christian Church where he serves as an elder, volunteers on several church committees and helps lead worship in song.
Bear, with his wife Jodi, has even helped to lead the worship services at United Congregational Church when the pastor is on vacation.
This past year Bear joined the Homer Village Board as an elected board member.
Bear said despite being overwhelmed by the honor he was still appreciative.
“It’s nice,” he said.