The St. Joseph PTC is collecting box tops Sept. 24-28.
PTC President Jen Wagner said the organization will get 10 cents per box top.
“We put it into the teacher requests funds and use towards classroom supplies, the Library Reading Program, the
Student of the Quarter program and the Middle School trunk or treat, the spring carnival and laser tag, just to name a few,” she said.
Wagner said it is simple to participate.
All parents have to do is clip and save unexpired General Mills box tops.
Classes will compete to see who can bring the most box tops.
Classes will receive double credit for each box top if all the box tops they submit are already trimmed.
The top three classes will receive cash prizes and the top class at each school will win a trophy to display until the next box top collection.
People who want to donate but do not have children at the grade school will have a chance too.
“Doug Appl is making us two collection box top mailboxes that we plan to put in IGA and another in the Main Street mall,” Wagner said.