Early Voting has now begun for the November 6, 2018 General Election.
Any voter may vote early at any of the locations and times listed.
Any early vote cast is final and may not be revoked and the voter is
not eligible to cast a vote on election day.
Early Voting is available at the Office of the Champaign County Clerk beginning on September 27 through November 5.
Early Voting will also be available from October 25 through November 5 at:
The Illini Union Room 404, the Church of the Living God, the Leonhard Recreation Center, Meadowbrook Community Church, the Lake of the Woods Pavilion, TheĀ Gathering Place (First United Methodist Church), Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, St. Joseph, and in Tolono at the Public Library.
Exact dates, hours, locations and other information are available at https://www.champaigncountycle