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Parkland College to offer art classes in St. Joseph

Parkland College is bringing the opportunity to learn art skills to the St. Joseph area in October and November.

But the idea is homegrown.

“The idea to ask Parkland to offer classes here began when a group of us traveled to the Art Institute in Chicago with the Parkland College Community Program,” Lynda Wolfe said. “Before the trip, we were given a chance to have a hands-on experience in an evening art class. We enjoyed it and wanted to have the opportunity to pursue more art classes.

“I presented the idea of local art classes being held in St. Joseph on the St. Joseph Information Facebook page last summer and there was quite a bit of interest. We contacted John Eby at Parkland and he agreed to offer these classes as sort of a trial to see if St. Joseph will be receptive.

“What an advantage to not have to drive to Parkland!”

Course details and registration are listed below for those interested parties.

Learn to Paint Using Acrylics
Thursdays, October 11 – November 15  =  6 weeks
9:30 – 11:30 AM
Register online = https://parkland.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=3887&int_category_id=0&int_sub_category_id=0&int_catalog_id=0

Call for assistance with registering = (217) 351 – 2235

Drawing Fundamentals
Tuesdays, October 9 – November 13  =  6 weeks
6 – 8 PM
Register online =  https://parkland.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=3886&int_category_id=0&int_sub_category_id=0&int_catalog_id=0

Call for assistance with registering = (217) 351 – 2235



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