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2018 Illinois Master Naturalist State Conference October 26

Monticello-Illinois Master Naturalists are invited to attend the first Master Naturalist Conference, being held October 26, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the 4-H Memorial Camp in Monticello. Come meet fellow Master Naturalists from across the state while enjoying a day full of educational talks.

The conference will begin with a keynote talk by Dr. Michael Ward, associate professor in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois. Ward will discuss the role of Master Naturalist volunteers in conserving birds in Illinois. He will present information on the population trends of Illinois bird species, why their numbers are declining and how Master Naturalists can help.

In the afternoon, attendees will have three opportunities to enhance their continuing education through breakout sessions. These sessions will include:

  • Illinois Wild Mammals
  • Invasive Species: Understanding Their Impacts and Management
  • Management of Ponds and Small Lakes
  • Small Pieces of Stone Tell the History of the Illinois Landscape
  • Bat-Human Interactions in Illinois
  • Conservation Status of Freshwater Mussels: The Silence of the Clams
  • Understanding Headwater Streams and Their Relevance in Large River Systems
  • Environmental Education Using Community Resources
  • The Wonder of Wetlands
  • Tree Injury Monitoring Citizen Science Project
  • Reading the Cloud
  • Let’s Teach Kids About Nature

Throughout the day, attendees will also have the time to network with fellow Master Naturalists, as well as learn about other Master Naturalist programs in Illinois. Additionally, the conference’s serene location will allow attendees to relax and connect with nature as they learn about nature topics in Illinois.

The cost to attend is $40. Registration closes October 19 or when maximum enrollment for the conference has been reached. For more information and to register, visit go.illinois.edu/ILMNConference.

University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you or your child need a reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact the Extension Office at 815-268-4051.

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