
SJO FFA Scholarship Auction Saturday

Members of the St. Joseph-Ogden High School FFA chapter are inviting the public to its first annual scholarship auction and dinner, Nov. 3. The event begins with a dinner and silent auction from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with a live auction at 6:30 p.m. The event takes place at the high school in the commons, 301 N Main St. St. Joseph, IL.

The auction will be the main fundraiser for the group, and funds raised also go to pay fees for leadership conferences and camps, as well as state and national conventions. The chapter is a 501c charity youth organization and funds raised through this event will also help to provide academic scholarships to graduating seniors to promote continuing education. FFA is an integral part of every state’s agriculture education program and helps students to help themselves through premier leadership, personal growth and career success.

Members of the chapter would like to thank the community sponsors for donating items for the auction or for their financial contribution towards the evening. For more information on items available and sponsors check out our Facebook page under St. Joseph-Ogden FFA or at https://www.facebook.com/St-Joseph-Ogden-FFA-375029939294276/?ref=bookmarks. If anyone would like to donate an item or baked good please contact an FFA member or duitsmank@sjo.k12.il.us.

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