
Annual SJ-O fundraiser benefits program and students

The St. Joseph-Ogden Drama Department and Fine Arts Boosters are inviting everyone to “Be (Their) Guest” at this weekend’s drama fundraiser, “A Night With Walt Disney: A Student-Directed Showcase.”

“We started doing student-directed showcases last year to raise money for our program,” Drama Department Sponsor Chandler Dalton said.

Dalton said with the help of the Fine Arts Boosters, SJ-O is working towards improving the drama program.

“Last year we bought the tech kids walkie talkies so that they can communicate during the shows so that everyone is on the same page and the show runs as smoothly as possible,” Dalton said.

“I would also like to explore the option of fixing our stage floor within the next couple of years and fundraiser money will help with that project immensely. “

But the continuation of the annual fundraiser will serve more aspects of the drama program than just a way to fund needs.

It also gives students another chance to pursue their passions as both leaders and performers.

Almost immediately after the SJ-O Drama Department cleaned up from its spring musical, “All Shook Up,” SJ-O Senior Sammi Schmidt and Juniors Joshua Sexton and Faith Dahman took on the role of student directors.

“These students are some of the best in the program,” Dalton said. “They are very talented and they all have an incredible work ethic.”

Schmidt took on the role of lead director, and worked on character development and blocking for the show that includes 112 speaking and singing parts.

With 14 Disney songs, including classics such as “Belle” and “Be Our Guests” alongside new songs such as “Monster” from the Broadway version of Frozen, Sexton took on the challenge of teaching everyone the music while Dahman choreographed the dance numbers.

“They were responsible for putting this showcase together in a matter of three weeks,” Dalton said. “They had my help if they needed it, but they are pretty independent and they had a pretty clear vision when they started.”

The road hasn’t always been easy for the directors, who are managing their peers.

“It has definitely been a struggle with having student directors because the students see Sammi, Faith and Josh as their peers,” Dalton said.

“Within the last week, the students have really started to listen and have realized that they needed to start taking things seriously so that they can put on a good show.

“Sammi, Faith and Josh have all asked me how I do this because it is definitely not easy directing this amount of kids and putting together a show in a short amount of time.”

Understanding how important it is for a director to provide opportunity for performers and showcase their talents, Schmidt, Sexton and Dahman wanted to make sure that everyone involved had some sort of solo or shining moment.

“One of my favorites is Emmy Daniels as Elsa,” Dalton said. “Monster is a song that was added to the Broadway musical, therefore no one has really heard it or seen it being played out. Emmy has really captured the character given that there is very little insight as to what is going on during this song.”

Dalton credits the direction of Schmidt.

“Sammi has also done a really great job blocking out this number with the little information that she has gotten,” she said. “It gives them all a chance to create something completely new and never seen before.”

It’s an experience that Dalton hopes the students carry with them the rest of their lives.

Schmidt wants to follow in Dalton’s footsteps and direct her own shows, and Sexton will pursue a degree in music education.

“They have come to realize that being in a position of power while being surrounded by their peers is a true testament of their patience and their abilities to be leaders,” Dalton said. “I hope that this experience has given then the confidence and knowledge that they can do this as a career later in life.”

Admission into the May 11 show is donation-based and all proceeds benefit the Drama Department. “A Night with Walt Disney” begins at 7 p.m.

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