
Oakwood June Library Programs

Tuesdays 10 to 11 a.m.: Reading Buddies
Kelli from WILL TV will be at the library to read a story from one of the PBS shows. Children will also do a craft that pertains to the story. Each children in attendance will receive a copy of the book that Kelli read that day. Clifford will be at the library on the last Tuesday of the month (June 25th) as a special guest for the kids.Tuesday afternoons Kelli will be back to do a STEM project for kids 3rd-6th grade. 




Thursdays 10 a.m. to noon: The Oakwood Public Library has partnered with 4-H to host a cooking challenge class on Thursdays. We are setting it to the theme of “Nailed It” like the show. The Kids grades, sixth and up, will feel like they are on “Nailed It” as they are given a food challenge to create in an allotted amount of time.



Fridays at 10 a.m.: Are for adults. Each Friday all adults are welcome to come in for a cup of coffee, sit back and chat or work on the puzzle the library has set out.


Saturday, June 15th from 11 a.m. to noon the Oakwood Public Library will be hosting a Father/ Son Superhero party. All dads, or father figures, are invited to bring their son to a superhero themed party. The library will serve a light lunch and play games. All dads are superheros in every kids eyes!


Have you ever wondered why peacocks have such colorful feathers, and why the male birds are brighter colors than the females? Friends from Forest Glen Preserve will be at the Oakwood Public Library on June 10 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. to talk about how animals show off in nature.

Monday, June 17 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. is Movie themed bingo. This is for kids PreK- and up!



Wednesday, June 19 the Museum of Grand Prairie will be at the library from 1 to 2 p.m. to talk about artifacts,



During this month-long summer reading program, both children and adults can earn a ticket for every hour they spend reading. Tickets can then be deposited in buckets at the Oakwood Public Library for a chance to win a prize at the end of the summer.

Finale Parties:
Adults: June 24 at 5:30 p.m.- Oakwood Public Library, snacks and draw for prizes
Teens: June 27 from 10 to noon -Oakwood Public Library, snacks and draw for prizes
Kids: June 28 from 9 a.m. to noon- Oakwood Park, bounce houses, and carnival games, and we will draw for the prizes

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