
Festivities for SJ-O Homecoming Week Set

Festivities for St. Joseph-Ogden‘s Homecoming week have been finalized.

The Spartans will host Pontiac on Sept. 27. Kick-off is scheduled for 7 p.m.

Nominees for homecoming court will be made during the week of September 9 by the student body.  Elections will take place the following week- students will make their selection for the first time using electronic ballots.

List of court will be made available by September 20 to the public, with King and Queen to be announced live at the dance.

Homecoming week 2019 will begin Monday, September 23rd, and continues through the dance Saturday, September 28th.

Dance tickets are $15 each, and go on sale from Thursday, Sep.19th through Friday, Sep. 27th of Homecoming week.  All non-SJ-O students being invited MUST be cleared by the office; forms available there.

Class Shirts (powder puff/class colors) are being designed and ordered by each individual class.  See class officers in order to place your order.

Activities:  Hallway/school decoration.  See class officers for details.

Powder Puff football.  All players meet at 6:45pm on the track in front of the home stands.  The Marching Spartans will perform that night as well.  Freshmen VS Juniors starting at 7pm, Sophomores VS Seniors to follow.  Championship game afterward with winners from Game 1 VS winners game 2.  Flag football, faculty officiating. The concession stand will be open with usual football food and drink offerings (usual prices- profits to charity) beginning at 6:30pm.  The whole community is invited; alumni and families of SJO students are encouraged to attend.  Free admission to the game.

Spartalympics.  Each class competes on the school track from 6:30-8:30 in eight different games.  Games run from fireman carry to hula-hoop pass, parents helping, winning class (w/most points per player wins the event) announced at end.  Free admission to the game.  Friends, family free to attend/watch!  Concessions stand open, regular game prices, money goes to charity,

No activities planned this tonight.  Students encouraged to catch up on classwork, sleep, and healthy communication with family/friends.

Activities:  Assembly from 2:05-3pm!  Then, at 4:15 entire SJO community encouraged to support our PARADE as the Spartans proceed down Main Street toward the high school. Immediately following the parade, come help us support the varsity football team. Court introduced during halftime, gathering in front of the stands. Student Council decorating the dance- all day.

     *  NOTE:  Those participating in the parade are asked to arrive at the SJO middle school eastern parking lot by 3:45 so that they might receive marching order of entries and other important information. If any in the community (groups from the Middle school/Jr high for example, area businesses) are interested in participating, please contact Mr., Jeff Kieffer at the high school for more information.

Homecoming Dance will be held in the high school practice gym from 8-11pm.  The community is invited from 9-9:30 for pictures of our homecoming court.  Pictures will be in the band hallway outside the gym; all students/families are encouraged to use north doors.  Refreshments and drinks will be served beginning at 8:30pm.  This year’s theme is “Beach Bash!”

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