
Residential Electronics Collection (REC) on October 12, 2019

Champaign County and participating municipalities in Champaign County will hold the next REC event at Parkland College on October 12, 2019. 

St. Joseph opted in to support the REC events this year, and so residents of St. Joseph are eligible to register online to participate. 

Online Registration for the October 12, 2019 REC is open at ecycle.simplybook.me. Eligible residents who register online may bring up to four TVs per household to the REC event. 

The four TVs may be any type or size, functioning or non-functioning. Each TV brought to the REC event must be intact and not in pieces. 

Carpooling is encouraged. Simply bring the postcard from each registered household. 

IEPA-Sponsored One-Day Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection on October 26, 2019 This IEPA-sponsored One-Day HHW Collection event is open to all Illinois residents. 

Residents must register to attend this event! The online registration is open at hhwevent.simplybook.me

The IEPA One-Day HHW Collection event will be held at a designated Market Place Mall parking lot. Participants registering will select a 15-minute appointed time to arrive, at a time between 8 am and 3pm. An entry ticket and details will be provided to all those who register online to attend. 

Additional Information or Help to Register Online 

Information about items accepted at the REC event or at the HHW event is available at the Champaign County RRR webpage

If you have questions about the events or would like assistance in registering online to attend either of these events, please contact Champaign County Recycling Coordinator Susan Monte at smonte@co.champaign.il.us or (217) 819-4127. 

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