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Oakwood Girls’ Basketball bounces back for win at Comet Classic


The Comets bounced back from a Thursday night loss to win their home-opener on Saturday, a 49-15 triumph over previously unbeaten Blue Ridge in first-round action at the Comet Classic.

Katelyn Young had her third consecutive 20-point game to start the season, notching a game-high 22 points. Aubrey Wells hit two three-pointers and contributed 10 points.

Addie Wright totaled six points.

Oakwood led 19-4 after one quarter and 33-8 at halftime.

On Thursday at Arthur, Oakwood lost a 42-35 decision to Arthur Okaw Christian. Young scored 20 points while Wright and Ashlynn Pinnick each chipped in with five points.

The Comets (2-1) return to action tonight against Urbana University High in a second-round game of the Comet Classic, scheduled for a 7 o’clock tipoff. Uni defeated Rantoul 52-39 on Saturday.

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