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2020 Classes at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms Announced

Long Lane Honey Bee Farms, located at 14556 1020 East Rd. in Fairmount, will be hosting beekeeper workshops throughout 2020. 

Workshops are taught by David Burns, a Certified Master Beekeeper from the Eastern Apicultural Society with over 25 years of experience. 

Burns runs a turnkey beekeeping supply shop, maintains a blog and podcast on beekeeping and provides beekeeping tips through his YouTube channel.

For beginner beekeepers, or those who just want to learn more about pollinators, Basic Beekeeping for Beginners classes will be held on either Sat., Feb. 1 from 1- 6 pm or Sat., March 7th from 1- 6 pm at the Training Center in Fairmount.

For more advanced beekeepers, there will be a spring courses called Spring: Survival, Supering, Swarms, and Splits that will be held on Sat., April 4 from 1 5 pm.

Registration can be completed online at HoneyBeesOnline.com.

Online courses such as “Beginner’s Courses. Learn how to start keeping bees,” “ A Day In The Apiary. Spend a few hours with a certified master beekeeper in the hive,” “Queen Rearing Class. Learn how to raise your own queens,” “Advance Beekeeping,” “Spring Management Class. Learn how to prevent swarms and make splits,” “Overwintering Class. Get your bees through the winter,” are also available. 

A fee is required to participate in all courses.


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