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LocalSt. Joseph Daily

St. Joseph Community Center Survey


A St. Joseph Citizen’s Group has been created to start a discussion on the potential of creating a Community Center in St. Joseph.

They have been tasked with working with the Village to determine the use, design, location and management of the Community Center.

To gain an understanding of the community’s desires and vision for the space, the Citizen’s Group has created a survey to collect input. The feedback will not only be used to determine the type of Community Center St. Joseph might need, but will also be used in the grant application process.

Questions should be directed to Jim Page at page3457@gmail.com.

Click here to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TQWDDF9?fbclid=IwAR2yZdPQVE_s-tmHdCapacd7gXgtcX1QPe1dDpJeNqCM42dkQIxYEyQLW5M


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