
Prairieview-Ogden to distribute “Grab and Go” Lunches beginning March 23

The Prairieview-Ogden School District has announced it will provide free “Gran and Go Snack Lunches” to any PVO student that wants one starting Monday, March 23. 

The lunches will be available from 10 to 11 a.m. daily at PVO North Elementary, PVO South Elementary and PVO Junior High Monday through Friday.

Next weeks’ menu is Ham and cheese sandwich ,carrot sticks, chips, fruit cup, and milk.

Parents should send an email to the school at the address below and provide the parent’s name and the student’s name by Thursday at 10 .m. so the school can order food. Parents can pick which building the food is picked up at.

For South Elementary-please email Susan at rosss@pvo.k12.il.us.

For North Elementary-please email Bethany at deweseb@pvo.k12.il.us.

For the Jr. High -please email Deb at FlesnerD@pvo.k12.il.us.


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