
Heritage provides information about student meals and home-based learning for the next week

The Heritage School district will fresh milk dated through Monday March 23 available in the front entryway at Heritage Elementary in Homer beginning at 9:30 a.m. on March 20 only. The district requires that those who come to get it bring their own bag or crate.

Heritage Meal Plans for all K-12 students with be available in both Homer and Broadlands beginning March 24. Reservations to the Principals are required.

Information for Meals and home-based learning was provided by the district today. It includes:


  • Free bagged, grab-and-go breakfast/lunch sacks will be available for pick up daily beginning on Tuesday, March 24, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM at both buildings. Pick up at the Homer building will be at the front entrance and pick up at the Broadlands building will be at the northwest entrance of the new addition.
  • Please email Elementary/Junior High Principal Kristi Sanders kristi.sanders@heritage8.org or High School Principal Corey White corey.white@heritage8.org with how many orders you will expect to pick up on Tuesday, March 24. Your reservation must be made by noon on Monday, March 23.
  • We will have a form on Tuesday that you can fill out for the rest of the week through March 30 for future reservations. We will still take reservations by email for new orders for the next day as long as they are in by noon the previous day.  You will then be asked to fill out a form for future reservations when you pick up your order.
  • Updates on our meals program and latest developments state-wide will be posted at www.heritage8.org.

Home-Based Learning

  • We are committed to keeping students engaged in learning through home-based learning opportunities. Learning links and additional school specific guidance for accessing resources will be posted on the district website heritage8.org.  None of the work completed during this time will be used for grading or assessment purposes.
  • Please make note that because these days are considered Act of God days, none of the work completed during this time will be used for grading or assessment purposes. No student can be penalized or receive extra credit for work during this time.  This is a directive from the Illinois State Board of Education.

Additional Resources

  • Comcast is offering free Internet for 60 days. More information on that can be found on their website.
  • To supplement these offerings, the Illinois State Board of Education has compiled a library of resources on their website. The link to those resources is on our COVID-19 web page at https://heritage8.org/covid-19-resources/

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