Musicians have a way of making the best out of hard times.
From lyrics that put the world into perspective, to chords that move the heart, creation is the artist’s way to get through hard times.
For decades, Lou DiBello’s musical talent has moved crowds. But, like the rest of the musicians in Illinois, the ability to perform live came to a halt in mid-March.
Knowing that he will not be able to entertain to live crowds until the COVID-19 stay-at-home order is lifted, DiBello has turned to the internet to provide a little respite and to help others learn how to play guitar over the upcoming weeks.
“I have switched over about two-thirds of my regular students to Skype/Zoom remote video lessons, since the ‘shut down,’ if you will,” he said. “I have done a handful of Skype lessons over the years, mostly with people living out of town.”
DiBello said that he can also take on new students, those who are novice guitar players to those who are more advanced.
“I’ll teach beginners to advanced players in a wide range of styles,” DiBello said. “I actually started creating video guitar lessons for my streaming guitar lesson website nearly 20 years ago, so I am familiar with the process.
“I want people to gain control of the tools they need to become a better, maybe even very good or great player. Playing guitar is a lifelong pursuit, but it really requires command over a relatively small set of fundamentals, that will then allow the student to play a wide range of music and different styles. If I can get someone to recognize and develop these fundamentals skills, then I have done my job.”
DiBello has played in over 3,000 shows, including 150 in 2019.
While it may be more difficult to make that audience connection over the internet, DiBello, who had April gigs lined up at Houlihan’s, The Icehouse, Sidney Saloon, The Pink Pig and Effing Brew Co in April, has taken to Facebook to showcase his craft and lift people’s spirits once a week.
DiBello finds that he is in the same spot as other musicians and business owners, taking a cut on his income.
Tips can be made via PayPal or Venmo.
“You can also order CD’s, and I have a few shirts left too,” he said. “I encourage people to follow or message me on Facebook, or email And check out the website”