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St. Joseph-Ogden Senior Spotlight: Mallory Ames, Katelyn Berry and Joe Yeager

Mallory Ames

FFA (4 years), NHS, Bible Club, Spanish Club, We The People, AMP Program, Volleyball (2 years),  Girls’ Basketball (1 year)

Mallory lives in St. Joseph with her mom, dad, and younger brother. Her hobbies include photography, hanging out with family and friends, and cleaning. Mallory has many great memories at SJO. She enjoys screaming hello to Mr. Beckett every morning. She will also never forget the FFA Convention during her junior year in Indianapolis. The whole experience with friends was a lot of fun. In FFA at SJO, Mallory placed 9th in a major career development event at State, and she is also the Section 17 reporter. After high school, Mallory is attending the University of Illinois. She is dual majoring in Agri-Business and Ag Communications. Also, Mallory will be minoring in Spanish. Her advice for future SJO students is to not sweat the small stuff and to live every day like it is your last. Her favorite classes at SJO are AP English IV with Mr. Searby and American History with Mr. Beckett. Mallory’s favorite teachers over the years have been Mr. Steele and Mrs. Cler at St. Joseph Middle School and Mrs. Duitsman at SJO. Congrats to Mallory on all of her accomplishments and best of luck to her in the future. 

Katelyn Berry

Volleyball (4 years), Girls’ Basketball (1 year), Student Council, NHS, Advisory Mentoring Program,  Future Spartans Mentoring Program, Maroon Platoon, Spanish Club

Katelyn lives in St. Joseph with her mom and dad. She has 2 siblings: an older sister and an older brother. Her main hobby is to hang out with family and friends. Her greatest memories at SJO are the overall sports atmospheres. Katelyn has also really enjoyed all of the teachers and everyone at SJO. She thinks SJO is simply a great place to be. After high school, Katelyn is going to attend the University of Missouri to major in health sciences. She wants to become a physical therapist after college. Her advice for future SJO students is to enjoy every moment, do not take anything for granted, and to live every moment to the fullest. Her favorite classes at SJO were Advanced Spanish III with Sr. Sutton, and Civics and Economics with Mr. Schacht. Over the years, her favorite teachers have been Mrs. Stone and Mr. Risley at St. Joseph Middle School, and Mr. Schacht at SJO. Congrats to Katelyn on all of her accomplishments and best of luck to her in the future.

Joe Yeager

Art Club, FFA

Joe lives in Royal with his mom and dad. He has one sister, Mariel. His hobbies include participating in Hot Rodders for Tomorrow through Parkland College. He trains for this at Parkland, and this is a nationwide organization. This past year, Joe went to Chicago and qualified for nationals, which was an awesome accomplishment. His greatest memory at SJO was when he missed two of his toughest classes during the school day during his sophomore year because of a gas leak. The whole school had to evacuate the building, and Joe will never forget this moment. After high school, Joe plans to attend Parkland College as an automotive major. Down the road, Joe wants to work on race cars. He wants to do custom work someday in his own shop. His advice for future SJO students is to finish all homework and to get involved. His favorite classes at SJO included Art with Mr. Beccue his sophomore year, and Construction with Mr. Billman his senior year. Over the years, Joe’s favorite teachers have been Mrs. Maxwell at PVO in 5th/6th grade and Mr. Beckett at SJO. Congrats to Joe on all of his accomplishments and best of luck to him in the future. 


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