Editor’s Note: We have been apart for nearly a month, but at the SJO Daily we wanted to find a way to bring people together. We will be sending “Getting to Know You” questions out, and then posting the answers here on a regular basis! If you’d like to participate email dani@sjodaily.com.
Christine Cunningham
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
Beauty & the Beast, The Blues Brothers, and David Byrne’s True Stories
Have you played any good board games lately?
Clue and Parcheesi are my favorites but I can never find anyone who wants to play.
What are two things that you are really happy that you get to do right now?
Read and cook
If you were to make a mixed tape, what would you put on it?
I like a lot of different music but it would have some Prince, Grateful Dead, Cake, INXS, and some little-know 60’s blues.
Have your ever disliked something and then changed your mind?
Yes! Pea soup
If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want?
What is your definition of “success?”
Making a difference in your community.
If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
NOOOO!!!! What a horrible thought! Can I say the Lord of the Rings Trilogy?
You have to get takeout for dinner; where do you go and what do you get?
I usually only get either pizza or Chinese food for take out. I do like Charlie’s Pizza thick-crust with bacon, onion and green pepper.
What do you want people to know right now?
It WILL all be okay. But, if you need to escape reality, go find a good book.