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Dining in City of Champaign to be modified this week

Champaign’s Mayor Deb Feinen issued to emergency orders Tuesday in efforts to curb an uptick in COVID-19 cases as students return to the University of Illinois. 

“According to the modeling data provided by University of Illinois researchers, the next several weeks will be critical to making sure the spread of the Coronavirus doesn’t get out of control as students return for the start of the fall semester,” reports Champaign Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen. 

“We have all made great sacrifices since the pandemic started, and I realize that these changes will be inconvenient for our residents and businesses, but they are necessary to flatten the curve and prevent a large increase in COVID-19 cases in our community as the fall semester gets underway. Flattening the curve now gives us a much better chance that students will be able to remain on campus and the University will be able to stay open for the remainder of the semester as originally planned.”

Emergency Order 20-24 requires all customers to be seated in order to be served at all bars and restaurants in Champaign which hold a liquor license. This applies to all indoor and outdoor seating areas and goes into effect at 5 p.m. on Aug. 19.

Customers may stand only for limited purposes, including using the restroom or picking up an order, but must wear a mask or face coverings when doing so. The Order also states that beginning August 19, individuals under the age of 21 will not be allowed to enter or remain inside a bar (Class A liquor license) after 9:00 pm each night.

Emergency Order 20-25, temporarily restricts indoor dining in the Campustown area, also goes into effect at 5 p.m. on August 19, 2020, for Campustown bars and at 9 p.m. on August 21 for Campustown restaurants. On-premise outdoor dining service and consumption of food and drink will be allowed. This order will be in effect through Labor Day. 

Customers may enter Campustown bars and restaurants for limited purposes, like placing an order, picking up a carry out order, or using the restroom, but they must wear a mask or face covering when inside the establishment. Bar and restaurant owners may also be allowed to temporarily expand their outdoor service area if certain safety requirements are met.

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