Who: Calling all three and four year olds
What: Participate in a developmental screening for preschool enrollment
When: Wednesday, December 9, 2020, Appointments available between 8:30 am & 11:30 am
Where: St. Joseph Grade School
404 S. Fifth St.
St. Joseph, IL 61873
Contact: Jennifer hastings, administrator, hastingsj@rccsec.org or 217-469-2291 ex. 126
Commonly Asked Questions
- What is a developmental screening? A developmental screening is a play based assessment designed to identify problems or delays during normal childhood development. Results allow for improved outcomes due to early implementation of treatment.
- What should I expect? Your child will rotate through several stations where their skills will be assessed in the areas of motor movement, concepts, and speech. You will participate in a parent interview and complete two questionnaires.
- What do I need to bring? You do not need to bring along any paperwork such as birth certificates or shot records. If eligible you will be asked to provide these things for registration.
- What happens next? Following the assessment, the team confers on results and makes recommendations. If a delay is present, a decision for further testing may be made. Children enter the Spectrum program at all achievement levels. You may be offered placement or put on a waiting list depending on program occupancy. Results are available within one week via mail.