
10 Question Friday: Kevin Stillwell

About – Kevin Stillwell

Frerichs & Stillwell lnsu ance Services is just a few days away from 25 years of age. Marc Frerichs and I co-founded the business in January 1996, just in time for the tornado of April 1996 which hit Urbana and Ogden. We are very proud of this business that was built from scratch. We are blessed to have many wonderful clients and an experienced staff who provides excellent service. Katie and Shannon have been with us for a long time. I am a native of Shelbyville and still have friends and family in that area.  My brother recently retired from farming and my handicapped sister Sara inspires as she carries a positive attitude through a challenging life. I am not married, but  have a longtime girlfriend who is the  best person I know. I was a high school teacher and varsity basketball/ baseball coach before moving into the insurance business. I still consider myself a teacher today because insurance is about communication and helping people find solutions.

Do you have any nicknames? How did you get them?

Many friends call me ” tilly” which is simply short for Stillwell. I am usually the person who creates nicknames. There is often laughter and head shaking when I introduce one of my buddies.

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

I am not a big fan of the word “fail”. I believe in positive attitude and moving forward.  But since you asked I will skydive – that would help me overcome fear of height and skydiving might be difficult to try again if you failed the first time.

What advice would you give your 16 year old self?

I would say enjoy the moment – it goes fast. Appreciate your parents for building your foundation and thank them for the love and support. Some 16-year olds do not understand that our parents are acting in our best interest. I had no clue that they would both be gone within 8 years when I was 16.

Do you have a favorite line from a movie?

Yes – “Get busy living or get busy dying” – Shawshank Redemption

Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or your entire life without dessert? 

I will keep the dessert, I could do without the phone.

When was last time you did something for the first time? What did you do?

I recently went 6 months without a haircut. I had to give it up when my buddies started calling he “Doc” from Back to the Future.

Would you rather be a ish in a tank or open water?

Open water for sure.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a teacher and a coach – because I saw what a difference each made in my life.

Where is your favorite place to get takeout in Champaign County?

I like pizza: Monical’s here in St. Joe, Old Orchard, Jupiter’s

What’s the milestone you’re working towards right now in your personal and professional Life?

This would apply to personal and professional – I try to get better each day. I believe we are either climbing or descending. Level is not an option. I choose to climb.

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