About Kimberly
Kimberly Keniley-Ashbrook is the mother of four boys and lives in rural Homer. A former classroom teacher, she’s worked in the education field for many years. She’s currently serving her third term on the Heritage CUSD #8 School Board and is Executive Committee Chair of the Illinois Association of School Boards’ Illini Division. In her roles as an entrepreneur, newspaper columnist, and most recently: Assistant Editor at Chambanamoms.com, she’s been described as a “Jack of All Trades.” Her latest role is Communications Specialist at the Family Research Center at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, sharing research with stakeholders to inform policy. She loves connecting with the community, meeting new people, listening, learning, and telling stories.
Do you have any nicknames? How did you get them?
Always “Kimberly,” never “Kim.” That being said, I’ll answer to “Kimmy,” “Kiki,” or “Kim,” depending on the decade you knew me. There is also the complicated “Keniley-Keniley” with the first pronunciation of my already tricky maiden name wrong and second pronunciation correct. That was given to me by a high school teacher and was mortifying when bellowed across the gym.
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
For me, failure and fear are related. I’ve already done things as an adult that did not work out and could be seen as failures, but I don’t look at them that way, because I see the growth and the silver linings: the lessons learned. I choose to follow a growth mindset, like we teach in our schools.
If I had the bandwidth, I’d explore performing again. Maybe I’d write a book. Both have a high potential of failure, and my fear would be not the process, the product, or the reviews, but dropping all my carefully balanced balls in the air while I focus on one more thing to try to make it “great.” I don’t have that in me right now, as my focus is still on my family, and learning the ins and outs of my new job.
If I wanted to confront a deep rooted fear that’s also wrapped up in failure: I’d learn to surf. This would involve tackling my fear of the open ocean. It would also involve trying something that looks graceful in public (in a swimsuit, no less!) that WILL result in me falling over and over again, into the ocean. That is some major letting go of many deep seated issues! When you see me (on Social Media, of course) attending some grown-up “Learn to Surf” camp someday, you know I’m working out some major issues…
And of course, pottery. HA!
What advice would you give your 16-year old self?
See the Juno quote in #4. Think on that a minute.
Wear. More. Sunscreen. Seriously. Girl, Just…Get out of the sun. You are Irish. Enough of that foolishness.
Remember what your mom said. You might not like it now, but that advice is wise, and it guides your days.
Do you have a favorite line from a movie?
Tongue in cheek movie line that gets quoted at book club a lot: “I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom,” Mean Girls.
Favorite movie line that I will probably send you in a GIF: “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.” Finding Nemo.
Favorite movie line that really made me think the first time I heard it, and I’d like to tell my 16-year old self: “I don’t really know what kind of girl I am,” Juno.
Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or your entire life without dessert?
Easy! Dessert. I’m not a huge sweets person, and dessert has never really been my thing. I’ve gone phone free for a week on vacation before, and it’s incredibly freeing. However, I would not give my phone up now since it’s the only way to stay connected to friends and loved ones I can’t see in person. Not to mention I need it for work and I still marvel in the fact that it’s this huge computer in a tiny case.
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What did you do? For the very first time?
I did pottery at my sister’s art studio with some friends last year. I thought it would be easy, that I’d sit down and create art, and it would be relaxing and fun, and of course, I’d be this amazing potter at the end of the day. Instead, I was TERRIBLE at pottery. I had to take a break and physically remove myself from the space; I was that bad. I did return to fix my pots, and it was…tolerable. I didn’t quit. But I wasn’t great. And it was the opposite of relaxing. It was the perfect example of how you’d think you would be great at something in your head, but the reality is the exact opposite, which frankly, doesn’t happen to me that often in life. Probably because of my nature and my own doing. It was a great learning experience, to put yourself in a place of learning and failure and remember what that feels like, it made me resonate with my kids and what it is like to tackle something hard and want to quit, the deep frustration and feeling of failure that can result, and how much grit it takes to persist. (Even in a safe space that’s a pottery studio with friends!) I think my friends saw me at a low that day, I think they saw a side of me that I’ve not presented to the public or even good friends for sure. But the world didn’t end, and because they were wonderful and supportive and seasoned moms, they let me have my moment and in the end we laughed about it. (And my little sister got a kick out of excelling at something I was so bad at!) The next time I want to explore feeling like a failure, I’ll take up the cello, or perhaps bass guitar, which I’ve always wanted to learn. But for now, since I’m learning so many things for my new job, I’ll put a pin in both. (If my husband is reading this, please don’t get my cello or bass lessons for Christmas, my brain cannot take it right now.)
Would you rather be a fish in a tank or in the open water?
Tricky. I don’t love the thought of being confined, but I have an intense fear of the open ocean. I’m going to go with an aesthetically pleasing tank that’s maintained to my exacting standards and has a great view. I don’t think I’d do well as a fish.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A Rockette AND The President of the United States.
Where is your favorite place to get takeout in Champaign County?
Padanos, El Toro, Big Grove, Papa Dels.
What’s the milestone you’re working towards right now in your personal and professional life?
I left a job I loved a year ago because I knew if I didn’t go then, I’d never leave. It was time to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I did some soul searching and thought about what I loved about my work throughout my professional life and what I wanted to do moving forward. I started my new role last month, and it’s been a steep learning curve, but I know that I made the best move. I love my new job. I’m thankful for the work I do, the people I get to meet, and the stories I get to tell.