
St. Joseph-Ogden ranked #107 in Illinois by US News and World Report

St. Joseph-Ogden High School is ranked #107 on the U.S. News and World Report Best Illinois High Schools list.

Both public and charter school are part of the rankings. Private schools are not included in the rankings because in almost all cases, students are not required to take the statewide accountability tests that are mandatory for U.S. public high schools.

The 2021 rankings, which were based on 2018-2019 school year data, looked at students who took The College Board (Advanced Placement exams), The Common Core of Data, statewide math and reading level assessment tests, high school graduation rates, and International Baccalaureate exams.

There were 467 students in St. Joseph-Ogden High School in 2018-2019 and 31 percent of the students took the exams.

With a 96-percent graduation rate, 60-percent were proficient in math and 57-percent were proficient in reading.

According to usnews.com, schools were rated on the following six measures, and the weights used for each indicator are in parentheses: College readiness (30% of the ranking), College curriculum breadth (10%), Reading and math proficiency (20%), Reading and math performance (20%), Underserved student performance (10%) and Graduation rate (10%).

One Comment

  1. 107 out of 24,000 – that’s within the top one half of 1% . Good show!