The Vermilion County Conservation District is proud to announce the return of the Vermilion Valley Encampment and Pioneer Craft Day at Forest Glen Preserve on September 25th and 26th. After a year off, the revolutionary war reenactment will be held on both Saturday, 10am – 5pm and Sunday, 10am – 4pm.
Both days will feature battles and activities throughout each day including fashion shows, tomahawk throwing, ladies tea, bayonet competition, and artillery demonstrations.
On Sunday visitors will also enjoy the addition of the annual Pioneer Craft Day activities. The Sunday only activities will include candle dipping, sassafras tea making, apple cider pressing, fried bread making, and children’s old fashion games.
This event is free of charge and all ages will find something fun to do! A concession stand will be open both days with sandwiches, and cold drinks. Upon your arrival at Forest Glen Preserve follow the signs to the Pioneer Homestead. For more information, call Forest Glen at 217-662-2142 Monday – Friday 8am – 4:30pm.