
Tickets on Sale for SJO Madrigal Performance

The St. Joseph-Ogden Chorus will kick off the holiday season with “The Jester’s Test”, a Madrigal performance, on Nov. 5 and 6 in the high school auditorium at 6 p.m.

A Madrigal Dinner is a form of Renaissance dinner theater often held by schools or church groups during the Christmas season. It is set in the Renaissance Era and is generally comedic in nature. The meal is divided into courses, each of which is heralded with a traditional song. 

SJ-O will serve a salad, roast beef, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, and dessert with a play at the conclusion of the meal, and a brief concert of choral music to conclude the festivities. 

“The Jester’s Test” features Jester Wyatt Loghry being challenged for his position by a local troubadour, played by Logan Allen.  The comedy ensues as the two have to find exotic animals, tell jokes, and sing songs.  

The dinner should last approximately ninety minutes.

As with many activities in our schools there is also a need to fundraise to help support beyond the scope of what the school is able to provide.  The music department at SJO would like for the Madrigal Dinner to become one of the main fundraisers for its programs.  

Not only do the choir students perform but students from the band also help with serving and entertaining as well.  It truly is an entire department effort and the proceeds will benefit all of the groups.  

The cost for the dinner is $25 for adults and $15 for children (ages 3-11).  Tickets can be reserved online by going to https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/56941.  If you have any questions please contact Mr. Hess at hessc@sjo.k12.il.us or by calling the high school at 217.469.2332.

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