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St. Joseph CCSD #169 asks for tax rate increase to help Ed. fund

By Isabella Zarate

St. Joseph’s next election day is set for Tuesday, June 28th. Those planning to vote can expect to see a new referendum on the ballot. 

The question asks the taxpayers of St. Joseph CCSD #169 to vote for a .22% increase in their tax rate. 

People are requesting a tax increase for a number of reasons. As bonds for St. Joseph Middle School will be paid off within the year, 1.5 years early, in fact, it is anticipated that the tax rate will drop about .31-percent. 

The project was initially possible thanks to the 1-percent county sales tax in addition to refinancing the bond issue. While the sales tax can only be used towards buildings and capital projects, it cannot be used for the Education Fund. This is where St. Joseph CCSD #169 needs help. 

The people of St. Joseph are asked to pass the referendum for the sake of the children. Information provided by the St. Joseph district states that the additional dollars will allow the education system to provide “the high-quality education that our St. Joseph families expect.”

The question is being asked now because, as many have noticed, prices for everything are, and continue to be on the rise. With that, Superintendent Todd Pence claims that revenues are struggling to keep pace. 

While it has been mentioned why the referendum is relevant now, let’s look at what passing it would mean for taxes. 

Pence created a chart depicting the current tax rate and payment of a home assessed at the given values (far left). The chart then details how the taxes you pay to St. Joseph CCSD #169 would change in two scenarios. One, if the referendum passes. And two, it does not. 

Pence notes that regardless of the referendum passing, tax responsibility will be less than it currently is. 

Assessed Home ValueCurrent Tax2.7325%Referendum Passes(tax becomes 2.6472%)Referendum Fails(tax becomes 2.4272%)
$100,000$901.72$873.58 (-$28.14)$800.98 (-$100.74)
$200,000$1,803.45$1,747.15 (-$56.30)$1,601.95 (-$201.50)
$300,000$2,705.16$2,621.72 (-$83.44)$2,402.93 ($-302.23)

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