
Oakwood cross country competes in Cowchip Classic

By Fred Kroner

Three Comets competed in the flighted Chrisman Cowchip Boys’ Cross-Country Classic on Saturday (Sept. 3), a meet which drew entries from 25 schools.

Oakwood/Salt Fork’s top runner was Bryson Capansky (10th in the race for No. 5 runners in 20 minutes, 48.5 seconds). Other teammates who competed were Logan Henthorn (11th in the race for No. 6 runners in 20:54.0) and Ben Darling (10th in the race for No. 7 runners in 22:47.2).

Oakwood/Salt Fork returns to action on Tuesday (Sept. 6) at Kickapoo State Park against St. Joseph-Ogden and Armstrong-Potomac.

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