
St. Joseph Women’s Club Lighting the Way


Brett McMahon

The St. Joseph Women’s Community Club will host the Annual Parade of Lights on Saturday, December 10. Those wishing to take part can start lining up at the Middle School at 5:30 pm. The club is asking for a $5 donation to participate in the event, which will be judged by local citizens at the St. Joe IGA. Cars, trucks, golf carts, tractors, and floats are all welcome to be a part of the parade. The  St. Joseph-Ogden band will also be playing during the festivities.

This event is just one of many ways the club is involved with the community. Established more than 70 years ago, the organization has about 20 current members. Meeting on the first Monday of each month at the St. Joseph Municipal Building, all are welcome to attend, whether members or not. The non-profit’s impact is felt year-round through many events and activities.

Each year, the club assists with a local blood drive as well as helping to promote the event. They have also spearheaded the Angel Tree program, movie night in the park and have been part of the Mutt Show at the yearly fall festival. The club also participated in Bingo at the fall festival and will be hosting Glow Bingo on February 25 in Royal. Tickets for that event will go on sale in January.

Helping students at SJO High School is yet another desire of the group. The first student to receive a scholarship through SJWCC was Jett Morris. The $1,000 award can be used to purchase materials that further his education beyond high schools such as books or course materials at community colleges or universities. Morris earned the scholarship by submitting the winning essay he wrote about giving.

As a light to the St. Joseph community, the club continues building on its rich history of giving back. For more details on SJWCC, check out their Facebook page, contact a member or sit in on a meeting.

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