According to the 2023-24 U.S. News & World Report, St. Joseph-Ogden High School ranked #103 among 723 high schools in Illinois.
This rank is up from 2021 (based on 2018-19 data), when the school ranked #107 on the report.
On a national level, St. Joseph-Ogden ranked #2,890 of 17,680 schools.
Data from the 2020-21 school year was used to determine rankings. U.S. News & World Report takes students who took The College Board (Advanced Placement exams), The Common Core of Data, statewide math and reading level assessment tests, high school graduation rates, and International Baccalaureate exams into account.
With a total enrollment of 441 students in 2020-21, 39 percent of students took at least one AP Exam with 24 percent passing at least one.
The 2020-21 data showed 52 percent of St. Joseph-Ogden High School students were proficient in math and 41 percent of students were proficient in Reading. The graduation rate was 96 percent.
According to, schools were rated on the following six measures, and the weights used for each indicator are in parentheses: College readiness (30% of the ranking), College curriculum breadth (10%), State Assessment proficiency (20%), State Assessment performance (20%), Underserved student performance (10%), and Graduation rate (10%).
St. Joseph-Ogden, Urbana and Unity High Schools were the only schools in Champaign County to move up in the US News rankings.