Ainsley Dirksmeyer scored eight points on Thursday (Oct 26) as the St. Joseph Junior High eighth-grade girls’ basketball team registered a 30-15 victory at Rantoul Eater.
Brooklyn Stevens hit six points and Megan Kearney contributed five points for the Panthers. Avery Lappin and Lyla Patton each netted four points. Also reaching the scoring column were Avery Haley (two points) and Addison Knight (one point).
In a 38-10 loss at home to St. Matthew on Thursday (Oct. 19), Dirksmeyer had four points. Netting two points each were Kearney, Patton and Smith.
In a 24-22 setback at Urbana on Monday (Oct 23), Dirksmeyer made 10 points. Haley and Kearney each had four points. Ava Alexander and Smith added two points apiece.
St. Joseph (9-8) returns to action on Thursday (Nov. 2) at home against Tolono Unity in the eighth-grade recognition night.
The Panthers’ eighth-graders are Ava Alexander, Ainsley Dirksmeyer, Megan Kearney, Addison Knight, Avery Lappin, Lyla Patton, Vivian Smith and Brooklyn Stevens.