
Commentary: From our house to yours, Happy Holidays

By Zainab Susi

We are in the last month of 2023. 

This month is full of joy, fun, celebrations, decorations, sharing food, gifts, and so much more! Anywhere we turn it is a festive and fun time. Not everyone can afford gifts or has a family and friends to celebrate with. Make sure to be inclusive and welcoming in your home to all. This joy is supposed to be shared with others. 

Growing up in Pakistan and in a Muslim household, I didn’t celebrate any holidays except the ones in Islam. Having lived in the States for so long, though, I feel like American holidays are part of my holidays too!

Where did 2023 go? There were many negative things happening all around the world, but at the same time lots of good things, too. Let’s be grateful for the good and try to change the bad. 

We are about to enter 2024. Try to let go of the past and get excited for the future. Nothing stays the same, and our attitude is the key for our happiness and success. 

I wish the New Year brings lots of happiness and peace all around the world. I hope people choose love over hate. From my home to yours, have a great holiday season and a Happy New Year! 

Life is beautiful!  

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~Rumi!

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