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LocalSt. Joseph-Ogden COVID-19 Information

St. Joseph-Ogden will remain open until health department suggests otherwise, extracurricular activities canceled through April 5

The St. Joseph-Ogden School District #305 will remain open until the health department suggestions that K-12 school should close, according to Superintendent Brian Brooks.

We currently plan to be in school until the Health Department, or someone higher, tells us we cannot be in school,” Brooks said.

The district has decided to cancel extracurricular activities and events through April 5 before they re-evaluate. 

Students will go home for spring break March 16-20. The district will turn to deep-cleaning spaces and equipment. 

“We have been doing thorough cleaning of our building and buses for over a month now, but will do an even deeper clean next week while the students and staff are gone which will include Chrome Books and computers,” Brooks said. 

“There is always the concern that someone could bring the virus into our school building.  Therefore, we will continue our current cleaning routines once students and staff return.

Brooks has been in constant communication with schools’ staff and board members in regards to COVID-19 information and updates he has obtained from the public health department.”

Upon returning from spring break, student who visited a Level 2 or Level 3 area, as listed by the CDC,  will be required to be quarantined for 14 days upon return per recommendations from the CDC.

Brooks said that if a student should become sick after spring break, all absences associated with the illness will be excused. 

The district is also putting together an E-Learning plan just in case school does get canceled for an extended period of time. 

At the current time, E-Learning plans have to be approved by the state, but conversations about modifying the requirements are taking place so that more districts could participate.

“A big part of our concern with the online learning is meeting the needs of all of our students.  However, we may be forced into that situation, and we will deal with that in the best and most professional way that we can.”

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