Author: Nora Maberry-Daniels


Local schools finding ways to fill substitute teacher needs

Some Illinois school districts are feeling a substitute teacher shortage. The Dekalb School District in Northern Illinois has had to have principals act as substitute teachers. Oakwood teachers advertised on social media that their district was looking for substitutes. St. Joseph Grade School posted on their Facebook page in November […]


Village of St. Joseph changes how it deals with ordinance violations

The Village of St. Joseph is working to crack down on properties that violate Village ordinances. Village Mayor Tami Fruhling-Voges said that it is difficult for the Village to enforce ordinances because they are non-home rule. According to the Illinois Municipal League (IML) non-home rule municipalities may only exercise powers […]


Heritage Honor Roll changes discussed at recent board meeting, co-op with Villa Grove renewed

Honor roll changes at the Heritage School District are not happening—not yet anyway. At the November school board meeting the board discussed a teacher leadership committee recommendation that suggested moving high honors from 3.5 to 3.85 on the honor roll and moving honors from 3.9 to 3.5. Superintendent Tom Davis […]