By Fred Kroner Five individuals and two relays took home first-place finishes for the St. Joseph-Ogden boys’ track and field team on Tuesday (April 11) in a four-school meet at Rantoul. The SJ-O individual titlists were Mason Guido (1,600 meters in a personal-best 4:58.12), Kyler Swanson (110-meter high hurdles in […]
Carter, Jones win events at Rantoul
By Fred Kroner Junior Payton Carter was a double winner for the St. Joseph-Ogden girls’ track and field team on Tuesday (April 11) in a three-school meet at Rantoul. Carter won the 100 meters (13.46 seconds) as well as the pole vault (11 feet, 5 inches). SJ-O’s other individual winner […]
Spartans on 3-game win streak after Acton registers second shutout of the season
By Fred Kroner Alyssa Acton fired her second shutout of the season on Monday (April 10), outdueling University of Illinois recruit Danika Frazier as St. Joseph-Ogden edged Stanford Olympia, 2-0, at Randy Wolken Field. In seven innings, Acton was touched for five hits. She walked one and fanned five batters. […]
Landrus and Robertson throw fourth shutout of the season
By Fred Kroner Luke Landrus and Jack Robertson teamed up to throw the fourth shutout thrown by St. Joseph-Ogden baseball pitchers in the past five games on Wednesday (April 12) as the Spartans won at Villa Grove, 15-0. It was the second 15-0 triumph for SJ-O in a three-day span […]
Bill calls for review of teacher licensing standards
By PETER HANCOCKCapitol News SPRINGFIELD – Some Illinois lawmakers are calling for a review of one of the tests prospective teachers must pass in order to be licensed in Illinois. The test is known as the Teacher Performance Assessment, or “edTPA,” and it is intended to determine whether a […]
Spring Musical Marks Firsts For SJ-O
By Brett McMahon This year’s Spring Musical at St. Joseph-Ogden High School will be the first in the school’s new auditorium. The space was completed and hosted its first event just over a month ago and Drama leader Chandler Dalton had to take the renovations into account when choosing this […]
Christie Clinic Photos: Heritage Softball 2023
This photo album of Heritage softball is sponsored by Christie Clinic. The album was taken by Amanda Sullivan Wells. To view the entire album visit
Museum of the Grand Prairie to celebrate CCFPD’s 75th Anniversary
By Dani Tietz East Central Illinois residents may not know that some of their favorite spots in Champaign County are all connected. But the Lake of the Woods Covered Bridge, Illinois’ first International Dark-Sky Park and the Homer Lake Forest Preserve Maple Grove all have one thing in common: they […]
Wilson, Tate and Paul place in top 10 at Champaign County girls’ track and field meet
By Fred Kroner Heritage’s Madi Wilson placed 10th on Saturday (April 10) in 400-meter dash at the 10-school Champaign County girls’ track and field meet at Urbana High School. Her time was a personal-best 1 minute, 13.55 seconds. She was the lone Heritage athlete to achieve a personal-best in the […]
George, Paul and Reed hit home runs against Toledo Cumberland
By Fred Kroner Three Heritage players knocked home runs on Friday (April 7), but the Hawks dropped a 22-9 softball decision at home to Toledo Cumberland. Hitting the ball out of the park were Paige George, Adena Paul and Isabella Reed. Heritage was within an 8-7 margin in the third […]