
Homer Fourth of July

Homer Fourth of July full of traditions

BY DANI TIETZ dani@sjodaily.com Homer, Ill.-Traditions are important. For Homer’s Angela Lawrence, traditions mean shared experiences with her daughter and the friends and family she’s grown up with. At 43-years of age, Lawrence, who is the President of the HCIA (Homer Community Improvement Association) and the head of the Homer […]


Oakwood High School FFA recognized at State Convention

Oakwood, Ill.-The Oakwood High School FFA was honored at the 91st Annual State FFA Convention last week, receiving four awards for their work throughout the 2018-2019 school year. The group received silver honors in the Growing Leaders National Chapter Award, Building Communities National Chapter Award, Strengthening Agriculture National Chapter Award, […]

save money

St. Joseph residents can save money on electric bill

Press Release-Ameren Illinois has announced a residential electric rate of 4.7 cents per kilowatt-hour for the 12-month period beginning with June meter readings. Ameren’s rate is approximately three-tenths of one cent less than St. Joseph’s current electric aggregation rate of 5.031 cents. For the typical participant, who Ameren reports uses […]


Take Me Fishing at Homer Lake on June 22

BY DANI TIETZ dani@sjodaily.com The Homer Lake Forest Preserve will host Take Me Fishing on June 22 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Walnut Hill Shelter. The Champaign County Forest Preserve puts on family-friendly fishing events throughout its parks each year to promote the park system and to encourage […]