

SJO prepares for FFA Week with food drive

About 600 St. Joseph residents will come home to a grocery bag with a label on their doors today. The St. Joseph-Ogden FFA students placed bags throughout town Friday morning in hopes of collecting at least 2,500 canned or nonperishable items for the food pantry this weekend. Students will canvas […]


Champaign County Electronics Recycling Collection Event May 18

An Electronics Recycling Collection Event will take place May 18, 2019, with online registration opening April 8 at 8 a.m. There are free YEAR-ROUND local electronic recycling options (with the exception of most TV’s)  Click here for more details:Year-Round Recycling Options. REGISTRATION & EVENT DETAILS:There is a FOUR television limit per person/postcard (ALL […]


Maynard named Oakwood Superintendent beginning 2019, Isenhower to take over as Superintendent of PVO in 2020

The Oakwood and Prairieview-Ogden School Districts have selected new superintendents. Oakwood’s school board approved the hiring of Larry Maynard Monday night. Maynard received a three-year contract to begin July 1. His salary was set at $115,000 for the first year. Maynard comes to Oakwood from Potomac Grade School where he […]