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HP Sprocket Review
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Amy Short: “We have cancer, it doesn’t have us!”
Amy Short and her family have decided to stay positive. “We think being negative only brings you those results,” she said. Some people would find staying positive challenging considering what the Shorts are facing. Amy knew something was wrong in March when she started getting migraines. A trip to the […]
Hand, foot and mouth disease: symptoms, causes and treatments
Whether a child is in daycare or at school, there is always the chance that they will be exposed to some sort of illness. With cold weather just around the corner, parents are encouraging their children to wash their hands and to not share drink containers in hopes that they […]
Heritage and Villa Grove to discuss cooperative Oct. 29
The Heritage and Village Grove School Board will meet on Monday, October 29, 2018 – 7:00 p.m. in the Broadlands Building – Library. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”agenda October 29 2018 VGH sports cooperative joint board meeting Broadlands”]
Public invited to rededication of Kolb Park
On Saturday the public is invited to see the new and improved Kolb Park. The Village of St. Joseph is holding a rededication ceremony to show off the renovations on the St. Joseph Trail Head for the Kickapoo Bike Trail. The event starts at noon and there will be free […]
SJO and Heritage advance to IHSA Volleyball Regional Finals
By FRED KRONER Volleyball teams from St. Joseph-Ogden and Heritage advanced into regional championship matches at their respective sites on Tuesday. SJ-O (28-3) defeated Bismarck-Henning/Rossville-Alvin 25-8, 25-17 in a Class 2A semifinal match on the Spartans’ court. Heritage (23-6) topped Chrisman 25-17, 25-17 in Danville Schlarman’s Class 1A regional. […]
St. Joseph/Ogden/Homer Halloween Guide
October 26 TRUNK OR TREAT, ST. JOSEPH MIDDLE SCHOOL 6:30 TO 8 p.m. The St. Joseph Parent Teacher Club is excited to host their second annual Trunk or Treat event at St. Joseph Middle School on October 26 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. “Everyone is welcome,” PTC Chair Jen Wagner […]
Plotner continues to battle with positive attitude
Murelle Plotner always has a positive attitude. “She’s going to have a smile on her face and a giggle in her voice no matter what,” said St. Joseph-Ogden Cross Country Coach Jason Retz about his former team member. “She has the ability to brighten anyone’s day.” That positive attitude has […]
Odgen Harvest Festival October 27
The Village of Ogden will be holding their annual Harvest Festival at Prairieview-Ogden South on Oct. 27. The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. and proceed will be donated to the PVO PTC. The annual Halloween event includes costume judging in categories that are divided by age. […]