

Electronics Recycling Event October 13

An Electronics Recycling Collection Event will take place October 13, with online registration opening September 10 at 8 a.m. There are free YEAR-ROUND local electronic recycling options (with the exception of most TV’s)  Click here for more details: Year-Round Recycling Options REGISTRATION & UPCOMING EVENT DETAILS: Once you register for the […]


Speed Limit Reduced on I-74 through Champaign

CHAMPAIGN — The Illinois Department of Transportation announces that the posted speed limit along Interstate 74 from west of I-57 to east of Cunningham Avenue will be reduced from 70 mph to 60 mph beginning Friday, Aug. 31. IDOT recently completed a speed study on I-74 and I-57 in the Champaign-Urbana area […]

protect Mahomet Aquifer

Gov. Rauner signs bills to help protect water source from natural gas leaks

MAHOMET —Gov. Rauner today signed legislation that requires gas storage field owners to notify local communities if natural gas leaks threaten to expose residents and businesses to contaminated water. The new law also mandates annual storage field inspections by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR). “Notifying local residents and […]