Joe Bear was surprised when he was named Homer Citizen of the Year during the Krazee Daze festival. “I don’t do any of this for recognition,” Bear said. “I’m retired and I stay busy.” The Homer Community Improvement Association unanimously chose Bear to the the Citizen of the Year. […]
Other News
Do you want to run for school board?
Candidates for the upcoming 2019 Consolidated Election can begin circulating petitions on September 18, 2018. Three seats are up in the Heritage School District, four seats in the Prairieview Ogden SD 197 district, four seats in the St Joseph Ogden High School 305 district and three seats in the St Joseph Grade School District […]
St. Joseph board to vote on solar farm variance
BY NORA MABERRY On Tuesday the St. Joseph Village Board will vote to approve a resolution they asked the Village Attorney Joe Lierman to draft. The resolution will state that the board does not support the requested variances that Community Power Group LCC has requested from the Champaign County Board. In […]
Relay for Life Event Canceled 9.8.2018
Due to the unfortunate forecast of high winds and rain for today, the Relay for Life of St. Joseph scheduled for today, Sept. 8, 2018 has been regretfully canceled. Please watch the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce facebook page, the webpage ( or the Relay for Life page ( for announcements in the […]
SJO Alumni and Homer resident were in attendance at Obama speech
St. Joseph-Ogden alumni Allie Place was one of the 944 lucky students who got to see former President Barack Obama speak on Friday morning at Foellinger Auditorium. Place said she entered the lottery for tickets after receiving a mass email from the University of Illinois where she is a freshman. […]
Saturday’s St. Joseph Relay for Life to honor those diagnosed with cancer
BY NORA MABERRY Marsha Hilligoss has volunteered with the St. Joseph Relay for Life for the past three years. Hilligoss said she appreciates that the event brings awareness not only to breast cancer, but cancer in general. Hilligoss said everyone she knows has been touched by the disease in some […]
Oakwood and Salt Fork find success, SJO soccer falls to Fisher
SJO Soccer A deep Fisher bench and a SJO injury proved to be too much as SJO fell to Fisher 2-1 Tuesday. Fisher opened with a goal from Will Shook just a few minutes into the game. The Spartans and the Bunnies battled back in forth with 12 total shots […]
Negangard’s Pumpkin Patch a family business
What started out as a friendly competition between brothers has turned into a business that helps fund the pursuit for higher education. “Back when my dad and his brothers were growing up, they had contests to see who could grow the biggest pumpkin,” Mitch Negangard said. “There were a couple […]
Electronics Recycling Event October 13
An Electronics Recycling Collection Event will take place October 13, with online registration opening September 10 at 8 a.m. There are free YEAR-ROUND local electronic recycling options (with the exception of most TV’s) Click here for more details: Year-Round Recycling Options REGISTRATION & UPCOMING EVENT DETAILS: Once you register for the […]
SJO students prepare for intruder with ALICE training
Photo: Guidance counselor Terri Rein runs down a hallway during the ALICE drill on Aug. 31. Rein was making sure the classrooms in that hallway were empty. Heidi Novak hid in a first-floor bathroom with her friend Sally Manalo. Dwight Colvin was in the hallway by the main office and […]