Tag: Jason Schifo


Commentary: The reminder of Memorial Day

By Jason Schifo Memorial Day, is set aside on the last Monday of May, today, to honor all the men and women who have died while serving in our military. It originated after the Civil War, which ended in the spring of 1865, and claimed more lives than any conflict […]


A Thanksgiving Message: Grow In Grace

BY JASON SCHIFO Thanksgiving Sunday has just past, and as a pastor, I joined scores of other pastors across the country in challenging people to be thankful. I pleaded with them to rise above the rivalry, division, animosity, and antagonism by becoming a people best known for our thankfulness. I […]


Commentary: The Human Race

BY JASON SCHIFO In the summer of 2018, my family and I had the opportunity to attend a lecture at Answers in Genesis, given by Ken Hamm, its founding director. While I don’t agree with Ken Hamm on a number of topics and issues, the lecture he gave on race […]

intimacy in our culture

Commentary: Fear of intimacy in our culture

BY JASON SCHIFO Author John Eldredge, in his book “The Sacred Romance”, shares the pain of not belonging: “Being left out is one of life’s most painful experiences. I remember the daily fourth-grade torture of waiting in line while the captains chose their teams for the kickball games. As each […]