Oakwood Public Library - SJO Daily https://sjodaily.com Tue, 17 Mar 2020 18:47:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://sjodaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-sjo-daily-logo-32x32.png Oakwood Public Library - SJO Daily https://sjodaily.com 32 32 Faces in the Crowd: Oakwood Public Library’s Tammi Helka https://sjodaily.com/2020/03/17/faces-in-the-crowd-oakwood-public-librarys-tammi-helka/ Tue, 17 Mar 2020 18:44:51 +0000 https://sjodaily.com/?p=7260 The SJO Daily would like to add some fun to your newsfeed! We will be asking residents questions, and provide their answers as they turn them in. If you know of someone who would like to participate, email dani@sjodaily.com. Today we feature Tammi Helka. Tammi is the Library Director at […]

The post Faces in the Crowd: Oakwood Public Library’s Tammi Helka first appeared on SJO Daily.

The SJO Daily would like to add some fun to your newsfeed! We will be asking residents questions, and provide their answers as they turn them in. If you know of someone who would like to participate, email dani@sjodaily.com.

Today we feature Tammi Helka. Tammi is the Library Director at the Oakwood Public Library. She’s a hard worker with a creative spirit, and makes sure that Oakwood has some fantastic programming!

What are your top 3 favorite movies?

The Notebook
The Art of Racing in the Rain
The Fox and the Hound

Have you played any good board games lately?

Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza (it’s a card game)

What are two things that you are really happy that you get to do right now?

Spend extra time with the kids and work on house projects

If you were to make a mixed tape, what would you put on it?

This is a tough question. I listen to all kinds of music and frankly I don’t keep track of the titles or singers to make a tape.

Have your ever disliked something and then changed your mind?

As a kid I hated broccoli. Now I try and cook it several different ways and always toss some into a salad.

If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want?

Sight! As a mother I would want to see my kids faces when they are happy, or sad and to be able to actually see them walk down the aisle one day.

What is your definition of “success?”

As long as you’re happy with your life and you have bare necessities to keep you happy that is success.


If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I don’t know if I could answer that question, but a good book I just recently read is A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum.


You have to get takeout for dinner; where do you go and what do you get?

Pizza from Pizza Hut
We are not a family that goes out to eat and Pizza Hut is easiest.


What do you want people to know right now?

With everything going on with the Coronavirus and being on lockdown. I feel everyone should relax and enjoy the slower pace of things. Pick up that book you wanted to read when you had time. Play games with your kids. Work on projects in your home. Maybe we all needed this time to just sit back and reflect on what’s important.

The post Faces in the Crowd: Oakwood Public Library’s Tammi Helka first appeared on SJO Daily.

Oakwood Public Library eliminates late fees https://sjodaily.com/2020/03/11/oakwood-public-library-eliminates-late-fees/ Wed, 11 Mar 2020 23:31:45 +0000 https://sjodaily.com/?p=6866 BY DANI TIETZ dani@sjodaily.com The Oakwood Public Library Board voted to eliminate late fees for patrons beginning March 11.  The measure included waiving previous fines on all library cards, even if a patron had not been to the library for years. The only fine that remains is on cards with […]

The post Oakwood Public Library eliminates late fees first appeared on SJO Daily.


The Oakwood Public Library Board voted to eliminate late fees for patrons beginning March 11. 

The measure included waiving previous fines on all library cards, even if a patron had not been to the library for years. The only fine that remains is on cards with lost or damaged items.

We are hoping this encourages more patrons to use the library and the free services we provide,” Oakwood Librarian Tammi Helka said. “We understand people get busy, sick, or other things come up that they don’t have the time or just forget to get the items back on time. We are no longer charging for those late items as we understand life just sometimes gets in the way.”

Oakwood began talking about the possibility of waiving fees as they became aware that large libraries in Chicago, New York and St. Louis are all fine free.

“With Oakwood’s population being smaller and some are lower income this will help give more people access to the library and not have to worry about any fines if they are late,” Helka said.

Books that are checked out longer than 30 days past the due date will incur a fine, but if the book is returned, the balance will be brought back to zero on the account. 

Helka said the goal of the library is just to get the items back, not to keep patrons from using the library.

Oakwood Public Library offers a large variety of books, audiobook, and magazines for patrons to check out. 

“We also have Kits, that include books, dvd’s and games for kids to have a hands on learning in several topics,” Helka said. “We just started checking out puzzles,  board games, and even baking kits. We offer three different apps for patrons to download books, movies, and music to their device all just with using their library card.”

A librarian will be at Oakwood Grade School on Wednesday, March 18 and Thursday March 19 from 4-7pm for anyone that wants to check their accounts or sign up for a library card.

The post Oakwood Public Library eliminates late fees first appeared on SJO Daily.

Safety Fair at Oakwood Public Library September 14 https://sjodaily.com/2019/08/27/safety-fair-oakwood/ Tue, 27 Aug 2019 19:58:53 +0000 https://sjodaily.com/?p=4709 The Oakwood Public Library will host a Safety Fair from 9 a.m. to noon on September 14, 2019. The Oakwood Fire Department will be at the library with a fire truck and a smoke house for families to go through and learn about fire safety. The Oakwood Police Department will […]

The post Safety Fair at Oakwood Public Library September 14 first appeared on SJO Daily.

The Oakwood Public Library will host a Safety Fair from 9 a.m. to noon on September 14, 2019.

The Oakwood Fire Department will be at the library with a fire truck and a smoke house for families to go through and learn about fire safety.

The Oakwood Police Department will also be available to talk about vehicular safety including distracted and impaired driving and bike safety.

Parents can also make sure that their children are safe and secure within the car as they get car seats checked and learn how to properly install them.

Concessions and raffles will be ongoing throughout the event.

The post Safety Fair at Oakwood Public Library September 14 first appeared on SJO Daily.
