Tag: St Joseph


St. Joseph to celebrate Juneteenth with community march to Kolb Park

BY DANI TIETZ dani@sjodaily.com Historical dates don’t always reflect reality. For example, children learn that slavery was abolished in 1863 when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.  But, because of the lack of Union soldiers in the Confederate state of Texas, approximately 250,000 persons were still enslaved, according to the […]

St. Joseph video gaming
State of Illinois

Village of St. Joseph to look at liquor license to broaden video gaming establishments

BY DANI TIETZ dani@mahometnews.com The Village of St. Joseph Board of Trustees will take action on amending the existing liquor license to allow for a Package/Pour License which would allow the opportunity for additional business owners to pursue a video gaming license. In Feb. 2012, Village Trustees passed an ordinance […]