Tag: State of Illinois

Pritzer bill Scott's Law
State of Illinois

Pritzker signs bills to strengthen Scott’s Law

BY DANI TIETZ dani@sjodaily.com Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzer signed legislation to strengthen penalties for life-threatening roadway violations at the end of July. Senate Bill1862 was established to expand Scott’s Law to protect law enforcement, first responders and road workers. “Since 2002, Scott’s Law has said that drivers approaching a vehicle […]

illinois gas tax increase
State of Illinois

Illinois gas tax, vehicle registration fees and parking tax among those to be increased under new bills

BY DANI TIETZdani@sjodaily.com Pending approval by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Illinoisans could see several tax increases, which will pay for a $45 billion infrastructure project known as “Rebuild Illinois.” The “Rebuild Illinois” capital bill, which has passed in the Illinois House and Senate, will rebuild roads, bridges, public schools and university […]

State of Illinois

Illinois Senate passes school safety bill

Additional school safety measures may be just one bill away. After a call from Tuscola School Superintendent Mike Smith, State Sen. Chapin Rose championed Senate Bill 1371, which allows school districts to use door-locking mechanisms that attach to the door and are lockable and unlockable from the inside of the […]